No one is saying your sexual encounters are similar to going to the gym, but including certain exercises in your routine and lifestyle can make a significant positive impact in the bedroom. The fact is that you are probably using some different muscles during sex than you do on a regular basis during the day. Therefore, adopting these 6 exercises for better sex could be just what the doctor ordered.
Aerobic exercise
Whether you choose to jog, walk fast, run, row, jump rope, or engage in other aerobic exercise, these activities have been found to significantly reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. The reason aerobic exercise can benefit your sex life is that it improves blood circulation, helps lower blood pressure, and thus can result in better endurance and longer lasting erections. Aerobic exercise also can trigger the release of endorphins, chemical substances that may boost sexual performance.
At Florida Atlantic University, a team of researchers studied adults who exercised frequently and asked them about their sexual performance and desirability. They found that more exercise among men was associated with an improvement in sexual function and better orgasms.
Kegel exercises
Women are not the only ones who have pubococcygeus (PC) muscles; that is, the pelvic floor muscles that help you stop the flow of urine. Men who exercise their PC muscles by doing Kegel exercises can improve their control and endurance during sex and delay ejaculation.
Practice doing Kegels the next time you go to the bathroom. Squeeze the muscles that interrupt the flow of urine. You can do Kegels several times a day by squeezing your PC muscles for 8 to 10 seconds, relaxing for several seconds, and repeating eight to ten times. After a few weeks of daily practice, you should notice some improvement in the bedroom with stronger erections and more intense orgasms.
Lifting weights
Aerobic exercise is important for cardiovascular function and sexual health, but so is resistance training, aka lifting weight. Weight lifting serves several purposes, including increasing your production of testosterone, which fuels sex drive, and improving endothelial function, which helps blood flow smoothly. Performing upper body exercises also strengthen muscles you will likely engage during sex, including your shoulder, arms, and chest. Improving upper body strength also enhances your endurance.
If you haven’t lifted weights in a while or never, be sure to talk to your doctor and get some guidance from a professional trainer. Together you can develop a training program that you can do at home or at a facility two or three days a week for as little as 20 minutes per session.
Regardless of your age, stretching is a must. Not only does stretching help keep you flexible and limber; it also improves range of motion, enhances blood circulation, provides an energy boost, and helps prevent injuries. A daily stretching routine can help keep you primed for sexual encounters.
The benefits of stretching can be seen in a study that involved 80 men ages 20 to 55 who participated in a 12-week program of stretching and breathing exercises. Half of the men attended 90- to 120-minute stretching and breathing exercise sessions three times a week and the other half served as controls. At the end of the 12 weeks, the men in the intervention group reported an improvement in sexual satisfaction.
Swimming can be a great endurance booster as well as an exercise that helps you drop excess pounds. Since swimming is kind to the joints, it may be enjoyed by men who are experiencing arthritis or who may prefer an activity that is not weight-bearing. Swimming offers other benefits that can be put to good use during sexual encounters; that it, is improves cardiovascular fitness, maintains healthy lungs, improves muscle tone, and enhances flexibility.
A recent study from the University of Texas at Austin studied 48 older men and women with osteoarthritis and the effect of swimming or cycling on physical functioning. After participating in their selected exercise for three months (45 minutes/day, three days/week), the participants reported significant reductions in stiffness, joint pain, and physical limitations, along with improvement in muscle strength and quality of life. Such benefits from swimming can be put to good use during sexual activities.
If you think yoga is just about doing a series of poses, think again. Although there are many different types of yoga practice, the basic underlying principle is to create strength, harmony, and enhanced awareness of your body, mind, and spirit. Regular participation in yoga practice can increase flexibility, improve muscle tone and strength, enhance respiration and energy, improve cardiovascular health, and instill a sense of inner calm. All of these features can serve you well in the bedroom.
Once you understand some basic poses and breathing techniques (preferably with the guidance of a professional), you can try some poses that can enhance your pelvic muscles, such as the Shoulder Stand, Peacock Pose, and Bow Pose. You also might impress your partner by introducing some yoga poses that can double as sexual positions, including Downward Dog and Bridge Pose.
Alkatan M et al. Improved function and reduced pain after swimming and cycling training in patients with osteoarthritis. Journal of Rheumatology 2016 Mar; 43(3): 666-72
Bay R et al. Effect of combined psycho-physiological stretching and breathing therapy on sexual satisfaction BMC Urology 2013; 13:16
Krucoff C, Krucoff M. Peak performance. American Fitness 2000; 19:32-36
Landa J MD. How working out can improve your sex life. Fox News. 2013 Sep 9