Wouldn’t it be great if you could boost your testosterone (T) production by getting a massage? Even though there are no proven studies on massage therapy and its direct effect on testosterone level (not for lack of willing participants, we are sure!), there are several ways that massage therapy can contribute to a healthy testosterone level and help alleviate some symptoms of low T.
Some of the symptoms of low or declining testosterone include mood changes, low libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, and trouble concentrating.
While massage therapy may not directly increase your production of testosterone, it can help, and here is why: Massage therapy is effective at combating some of the root causes of low T. By reducing stress and improving your quality of sleep, massage therapy can help your body produce more of its own testosterone.
Stress relief
Stress can reduce your testosterone because when the stress hormone cortisol enters the bloodstream, the body reduces the amount of testosterone it produces. Massage induces a feeling a relaxation for most people. Getting a massage regularly can improve a person’s ability to relax in between massage sessions as well. This can be one healthy way to manage stress and anxiety that can help a man’s testosterone production as well as the health of his brain, heart, and prostate. Stress is also a major cause of prostatitis.
Mood booster
Massage helps low T symptoms such as irritability and depression. Massage relaxes you and when your body enters a parasympathetic state during massage, it sends a message that it is okay to stop producing the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. When you have too much of these stress hormones it can cause anxiety or feelings of depression due to the “fight or flight” response.
Another way that massage boosts your mood is that it initiates your body’s production of dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These promote deep relaxation and a sense of well-being.
Improved sleep
Massage can help relax you and lead to better sleep. The quality of sleep that you regularly get can directly impact your testosterone production. Men who have fragmented sleep patterns are more likely to have low T. Having a healthy sleep pattern and routine is important for men because the majority of men’s daily testosterone release occurs during sleep.
Having a good night’s rest also helps to relieve physical and mental tension, and that in turn can help you balance your hormone production. Here are more tips to help men sleep better at night.
Other ways to support testosterone production
If you are concerned about your testosterone level, talk to your doctor about getting a testosterone test, especially your free testosterone. Other natural and enjoyable ways to boost your T is to exercise more, have sex, and eat foods that boost testosterone. Many men also take supplements that help promote natural testosterone health like EveryDay Male® to enhance their libido, give them better concentration at work, and help improve their performance in the gym. While you are employing these lifestyle changes go ahead and give massage a try. It certainly can’t hurt, and the positive effects of massage provide other benefits for your health.
Read more in our Low T Health Center.