How To Recover Sexual Function After Prostate Cancer Surgery
Erectile Dysfunction

How To Recover Sexual Function After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Sexual performance, endurance, and libido are important to some degree for most guys, regardless of their age. So it’s natural for men to question their ability to recover sexual function after prostate cancer surgery (prostatectomy). After all, prostatectomy is a radical surgery that can have a major impact on a man’s sexual identity, physically and…

Using a Vacuum Erection Device (Penis Pump) to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction

Using a Vacuum Erection Device (Penis Pump) to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

What is a penis pump? Countless men have experienced erectile dysfunction (ED), either on a temporary or a long-term basis. It may be an embarrassing problem to have, but rest assured that you’re not alone. It’s important to seek help from your doctor for erectile dysfunction because this issue may be a sign of a…

What Causes ED?
Erectile Dysfunction

What Causes ED?

What causes ED (erectile dysfunction)? Erectile dysfunction is not just a normal part of aging. Even though it is commonly experienced by aging males, there are many medical reasons why a man may experience ED. About half the men over 50 years old in the U.S. report some degree of ED, but many men are…

Which Drugs Can Cause ED?
Erectile Dysfunction

Which Drugs Can Cause ED?

If you are taking medications and also suffering from ED (erectile dysfunction), it is possible that the drugs are causing or have a role in your impotence. Which drugs can cause ED? Experts have determined that the following list of ten medications may cause ED. Diuretics & antihypertensives: hydrochlorothiazide, chlorthalidone, triamterene, furosemide, bumetanide, guanfacine, methyldopa, clonidine, verapamil,…

Does A Bad Heart Affect Erectile Function?
Erectile Dysfunction

Does A Bad Heart Affect Erectile Function?

There’s bad news for men who have cardiovascular/heart risk factors—high blood pressure, obesity, smoking habit, high cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle, and diabetes. These heart risk factors all can affect erectile function. But if you treat these risk factors with lifestyle changes and/or medication, not only will you reduce your risk of coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, and stroke;…

Do Penile Implants Work?
Erectile Dysfunction

Do Penile Implants Work?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common male health problem. Some men experience temporary ED, while others cope with the problem on a long-term basis. If you have erectile dysfunction, talk to your doctor about your treatment options, which may include penile implants. Penile implants are surgically inserted so that you can achieve an erection whenever…

What is the Best ED Drug for Men?
Erectile Dysfunction

What is the Best ED Drug for Men?

A review of a decade of articles concerning three of the PDE-5 (phosphodiesterase type 5) treatment options for erectile dysfunction—sildenafil (Viagra), tadalafil (Cialis), and vardenafil (Levitra)—reveals that men consistently prefer one medication over the other two choices.  Despite research showing no significant differences in the three drugs’ safety and efficacy, men have a preference for…

Avanafil, Another Erectile Dysfunction Drug On the Horizon
Erectile Dysfunction

Avanafil, Another Erectile Dysfunction Drug On the Horizon

Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra may have some competition next year. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has agreed to review the new drug application for avanafil, an investigation drug candidate for treatment of erectile dysfunction. Completion of the FDA’s review of this potential new addition to the erectile dysfunction arsenal is expected to be April…