What is Andropause?
Sexual Health

What is Andropause?

What is andropause? Many people are unfamiliar with this term, but you may be familiar with the phrase male menopause. So the easy answer to the question, what is andropause? is to say it’s male menopause. However, you also will hear male menopause referred to as “low T,” with “T” meaning testosterone. In the struggle…

Why Are So Many Men Misusing Erectile Dysfunction Drugs?
Sexual Health

Why Are So Many Men Misusing Erectile Dysfunction Drugs?

Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The definition of such abuse is “the intentional self-administration of a medication for a non-medical purpose such as ‘getting high.’” But not all prescription drugs are abused for this reason, which is what brings us to…

Painful Ejaculation: 10 Causes & Treatments for Ejaculatory Pain & Burning
Sexual Health

Painful Ejaculation: 10 Causes & Treatments for Ejaculatory Pain & Burning

You might be familiar with the 1975 song, “Love Hurts,” a sentiment many people can identify with, but why does ejaculation have to hurt? Up to 10 percent of men experience painful ejaculation, which can occur in different ways, depending on the man. These episodes can be a source of fear, frustration, and relationship challenges….

Can a Variococele (Enlarged Veins) Cause Male Infertility
Sexual Health

Can a Variococele (Enlarged Veins) Cause Male Infertility

Many men’s health problems are discovered during routine physical examinations or while undergoing testing for male infertility. If you and your partner have been experiencing difficulty conceiving a child, both of you should be examined by your doctors. Male infertility can be caused by many issues, such as a low sperm count and decreased sperm…

What Happens to Erectile Function and Sex Drive after Prostate Surgery?
Sexual Health

What Happens to Erectile Function and Sex Drive after Prostate Surgery?

Results of a new, small study indicate that radical prostatectomy can have a significant negative impact on men’s sexual health, resulting in erectile dysfunction, lower sexual desire, and reduced frequency of intercourse, among other sexual issues. The study appears in the April 2011 issue of the International Journal of Impotence Research.  A total of 63…

How Does Diet Affect Sperm?
Sexual Health

How Does Diet Affect Sperm?

A recent study verified what researchers suggested 24 years ago: that sperm concentration and the percentage of normal-looking sperm are declining dramatically. What are the reasons for these changes in the viability of sperm? A first-of-its-kind study from Harvard researchers has identified one reason and explains how diet can affect sperm count and quality. First,…

Trich is One of The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Men
Sexual Health

Trich is One of The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Men

What is trich? Trichomoniasis (trich) is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease (STD). A protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis causes the infection, and it affects both men and women. Men typically don’t experience symptoms of the disease, so they may need to rely on their partners to tell them if they have either been…

What’s the Link between Chickens and Penis Cancer?
Sexual Health

What’s the Link between Chickens and Penis Cancer?

Periodically you hear news stories about viruses such as avian influenza and infectious bronchitis virus affecting chickens and other poultry, and often with devastating effects. What you may not know, however, is that exposure to poultry viruses has been associated with an increased risk of various human cancers, including penis cancer (aka, penile cancer). Penis…