Dr. James Occhiogrosso
M.H, N.D
Men’s Sexual Health and Healthy Aging
Dr. James Occhiogrosso is a Natural Health Practitioner specializing in natural approaches to male and female sexual health. He maintains an active practice helping both men and women overcome hormonal and sexual issues associated with aging, including erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, anorgasmia, PMS, menopausal problems, fibromyalgia, and CFS.
He often acts as an advisor for men with prostate cancer whose doctors recommend “watchful waiting” or “active surveillance” of their disease. His home hormone test kits and other products are available at his website, via phone at 239-652-0421, or via email to DrJim@HealthNaturallyToday.com. You can also sign up for his free “Health Naturally” newsletter on the website.