Neuromuscular tension is related to pelvic floor disorders, another cause of chronic prostatitis. Neuromuscular tension is emotional, physical, or mental stress that affects the nerves and muscles. Some experts believe that chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS) is caused by men who continuously or frequently tense their pelvic floor muscles. Most men have no idea they are doing it, but over time, the accumulation of tension in the pelvic muscles can develop into chronic pain.
When neuromuscular tension leads to chronic prostatitis it is sometimes referred to as a “headache in the pelvis.” Just like men who hold tension in their neck and shoulders when stresses can develop chronic headaches, men who tense their pelvic muscles can develop CPPS. After years of holding in stress, chronic prostatitis may occur. And just as the condition build over time, it can also take significant time to treat it and retrain the men from tensing those muscles.
Chronic tension disorders and pelvic floor disorders, which are all related to neuromuscular tension, are said to make up about 50% of the chronic prostatitis cases. When a doctor is diagnosing prostatitis, he or she may perform a digital rectal exam. Using a gloved and lubricated finger, the doctor can feel the tight or hard muscles on either side of the prostate.
Experts point out that traditional treatments do not work for neuromuscular tension. Instead, experts recognize that men need to take steps to manage and relieve their source of stress in order to directly treat the built-up tension in the pelvic muscles. Prostatitis patients need to take ongoing steps to help manage stress and emotional health in order to manage prostatitis longterm.
There are a number of alternative prostatitis treatments. One effective technique is trigger point release therapy. The success of this treatment approach in relieving chronic prostatitis is one of the main reasons why experts believe that neuromuscular tension is one of the major causes of CPPS. Another technique some men find helpful is prostate massage.
Men with CPPS need to take steps to learn relaxation techniques for relieving the tension in the pelvic muscles. This might include adopting stress management techniques such as:
- meditation,
- yoga,
- tai chi,
- and exercise.
Employing a combination of these chronic prostatitis treatment approaches is the most effective way to relieve chronic prostatitis caused by neuromuscular tension. Many of these therapies are included in holistic programs like The Renew XY Health Program for Men and NPAT. One exercise that all men with neuromuscular tension should avoid is Kegel exercises, which can increase tension in the pelvic muscles and make the condition worse. The exercises to concentrate on involve doing the opposite—releasing tension.