If you want to know what questions to ask your doctor about erectile dysfunction, we can help. You’ve seen the ads on TV and in magazines and on the Internet, but you didn’t think it would happen to you: you’ve got erectile dysfunction, and you also have some questions to ask your doctor. Some men find it difficult to talk to their healthcare provider about erectile dysfunction treatments.
That’s why it’s important for you to find someone you can trust and with whom you feel comfortable. It is also helpful to be prepared with questions to ask your doctor about erectile dysfunction during your visit so you don’t forget to ask them and you feel more at ease.
- How common is erectile dysfunction for a man my age?[1]
- What is the cause of my erectile dysfunction?
- Which medications may cause erectile dysfunction?
- What lifestyle habits can contribute to erectile dysfunction?
- What options are available for treating erectile dysfunction?
- How effective are ED pills for erectile dysfunction?
- What side effects are associated with ED pills?
- How effective are intracavernous injections for ED? [2]
- What side effects or complications are associated with intracavernous injections for ED?
- How effective are vacuum constriction devices (VED’s) penis pumps?
- What problems or complications are associated with a vacuum constriction devices (VED’s) penis pumps?
- How effective is a penile prosthesis, penis implant?
- What problems or complications are associated with a penile prosthesis, penis implant? [3]
- How effective are intraurethral suppositories, MUSE?
- What side effects or complications are associated with intraurethral suppositories, MUSE?
- How effective is sex therapy counseling?
- How effective is penile rehabilitation for ED?
- Are there natural and herbal remedies to treat erectile dysfunction? Can they be used along with other treatments?
[1] About 5% of 40-year-old men and between 15% and 25% of men age 65 years experience erectile dysfunction on a long-term basis, according to the National Institutes of Health. A higher percentage of men experience erectile dysfunction occasionally. Source: WebMD:
[2] Injections are reportedly effective in more than 85% of men who have undergone radical prostatectomy. Source: 100 Q&A about Prostate Cancer.
[3] The malfunction rate is about 10% at ten years. Risk of infection is less, but if it occurs the entire prosthesis must be removed. Source: 100 Q&A about Prostate Cancer.
Feel free to add to this list of questions to ask your doctor about erectile dysfunction.
Read more in our Erectile Dysfunction Health Center.