Sex is neither purely a matter of mechanics nor purely a matter of emotions. It’s in that mysterious meeting place between body and mind. Both need to be fully on board to get the job done. Answer “yes” or “no” to the following to identify where you might need some help:
The Sex Audit
- Do you wish you could have more frequent sex?
- Do you wish your sexual encounters were more intense and fulfilling?
- Do you have unrealized sexual fantasies that you have never discussed with your partner?
- Is your partner no longer sexually attractive to you?
- Is your partner less interested in sex than in previous months or years?
- Do you feel your relationship lacks closeness or warmth?
- Do you interact less frequently with your partner in nonsexual—as well as sexual—ways?
- Has your use of pornography interfered with your relationship in any way?
- Do you go to some lengths to hide the frequency of your pornography use?
- Do you frequently feel too stressed-out or wound-up for sex?
- Are you frequently despondent or depressed?
- Are you overweight?
- Are you on medication for high blood pressure, depression, prostate cancer, or an enlarged prostate?
- Do you smoke?
- Do you consume more than six alcoholic drinks a week?
- Do you take Viagra, Cialis, or any other ED drug?
- Do you often drink before sex?
- Do you get less than two hours of intense exercise (running, lifting weights, playing racquet sports), and five hours of mild exercise (walking, swimming, gardening, playing catch) per week?
- Does your diet lack heart-healthy foods like leafy green vegetables, walnuts, pomegranates, brown rice, and omega-3 fatty acids?
- Do you have difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection?
“Yes” answers to questions 1–11 suggest that you may have issues with your sex life that are psychological in nature.
“Yes” answers to questions 12–19 suggest physical problems.
A “Yes” answer to question 20 suggests a problem that could be physical, psychological, or both.
Read more in our ED Health Center and take our 30-Day Testosterone Boosting Program to increase your energy and libido.
Reprinted with permission from: “Your New Prime: 30 Days to Better Sex, Eternal Strength, and a Kick Ass Life After 40”.