New Male Contraceptive Would Not Affect Testosterone Levels
Sexual Health

New Male Contraceptive Would Not Affect Testosterone Levels

The only male contraceptives currently available interrupt the production of testosterone or other hormones, which can cause significant side effects. That could change some day, as researchers at the University of Edinburgh have discovered a gene that could ultimately lead to the development of a new male contraceptive that would not affect hormones. The reason a…

How Does Diet Affect Sperm?
Sexual Health

How Does Diet Affect Sperm?

A recent study verified what researchers suggested 24 years ago: that sperm concentration and the percentage of normal-looking sperm are declining dramatically. What are the reasons for these changes in the viability of sperm? A first-of-its-kind study from Harvard researchers has identified one reason and explains how diet can affect sperm count and quality. First,…