Urinary incontinence symptoms differ somewhat among the different types of urinary incontinence. However, all the different types of urinary incontinence share a common symptom: urine leakage.
- If you have stress incontinence, you will leak a small amount of urine when you laugh, strain, cough, sneeze, lift something, change position (e.g., stand from a seated position, turn over in bed), and/or perhaps when you have sex. These urinary incontinence symptoms can be especially bothersome because they can occur at any time and without warning.
- In cases of urge incontinence, you will experience a desire to urinate that is so strong, you may not reach a toilet in time. This can result in releasing a large amount of urine. However, you may not leak any urine even though you have a strong urge to urinate if your bladder is empty.
- Men with overactive bladder experience urinary urgency, frequent urination (the need to void 8 or more times during a 24-hour period), urinating in the middle of the night (2 or more times; nocturia), and urge incontinence.
- Men who have overflow incontinence can only release a small amount of urine even though they have an urge to urinate. Among other urinary incontinence symptoms associated with overflow incontinence are a tendency to leak urine while asleep, a weak urine stream, and uncontrollable dribbling. Some men also experience a need to strain while urinating and a feeling like their bladder is not empty.
These urinary incontinence symptoms can cause a significant amount of psychological stress and affect a man’s social, physical, occupational, and sexual activities.
Men who are experiencing urinary incontinence symptoms should consult with their primary care physician or a urologist to uncover the cause of these symptoms and to develop a treatment strategy.