Verapamil Gel is a calcium channel blocker available in topical form for the treatment of Peyronies disease. Calcium channel blockers relax blood vessels and promote blood flow, which is why they are typically used to treat high blood pressure and heart conditions, including coronary artery disease and angina.
Studies of Verapamil Gel for Peyronie’s Disease Treatment
Verapamil Gel for Peyronie’s Disease reportedly is absorbed into the skin and can reach plaque, causing it to break down and interfering with its growth.
The authors of an early study did not agree. At Loyola University Medical Center, researchers applied verapamil gel to the penile shaft of men who were scheduled for penile prosthesis surgery to treat erectile dysfunction. The authors noted that only a small amount of the medication was absorbed and that it did not infiltrate the tunica albuginea. These findings led them to conclude that “the use of transdermal verapamil for Peyronie’s disease has no scientific basis.” (Martin 2002)
More positive findings were reported in a subsequent trial. In a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, the authors reported that after nine months of Verapamil Gel for Peyronie’s Disease, all the men reported complete relief from pain and 94.4% experienced an average 61.1% improvement in penile curvature. (Fitch 2007) Urologists may not be impressed by verapamil gel, however. In a survey of 236 practicing urologists, 70% said their first treatment of choice for Peyronie’s disease was vitamin E, while only 10% selected verapamil gel. (Shindel 2008)
Side Effects of Verapamil Gel
Side effects associated with the use of verapamil gel include skin irritation and/or itching, which is more common among men when they first start using the gel. More serious skin problems, including swelling and burning, are less common.