Want a super sex life but uncertain where to begin? Fortunately, the answers are not complicated, but they do take some dedication. The following 11 tips for super male sexual health are a solid foundation.
Eat testosterone boosting foods
Your body is like a car: put in poor fuel and you won’t get the performance you want, need, or desire. Stick to testosterone boosting high-octane foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, beets, low-fat dairy, and healthy fats such as omega-3s, monounsaturated fats, and coconut oil. Whenever possible, choose organic varieties as well.
Related: Best Foods to Increase Testosterone
Move more
If you want to keep moving in the bedroom, then you need to put in the effort on the outside as well. Both cardio and strengthening exercises are important not only for overall fitness but sexual fitness as well. Be sure to take part in both at least four times a week. You can make exercise more enjoyable if you and your partner engage in physical activities together, such as tennis, jogging, hiking, or biking. Just be sure you do not overdo it!
Related: What Higher Testosterone? Stop Running So Much
Skip the smoke
Smoking is not healthy overall and certainly not for sex. Most men who have erectile dysfunction are smokers, as this activity restricts blood flow to the arteries in the penis as well as other parts of the body.
Get enough sleep
Sleep deprivation has been shown to compromise your health on many levels, including sexually, so skip the all-nighters and skimping on sleep. Strive for seven hours on a consistent basis—don’t compromise!
Related: 10 Tips for Better Sleep
Manage stress
Feeling uptight, anxious, worried, and edgy often translates into poor performance in the bedroom. Practice stress management techniques daily and you’ll reap the rewards between the sheets. Deep breathing, yoga, meditation, progressive relaxation, music therapy—find a method that works for you and do it. Releasing stress pays big benefits in the bedroom.
Do Kegels
Regular practice of Kegel exercises can heighten your sexual experiences as well as improve your urinary health. It takes just a minute or two, several times a day, to do Kegels and you’ll notice results within weeks. Kegels strengthen the pubococcygeal muscles, which support your pelvic floor muscles and those of your pelvic organs.
See your doctor more
Men are notoriously negligent about going to a doctor for exams, but it’s important to make that choice—preferably once a year—especially if you have a personal or family history of conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, depression, or other health issues. All of these and more can have an adverse effect on sexual health, including the risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
Axe the alcohol
An occasional alcoholic drink is generally harmless, but habitual drinking can result in erectile dysfunction, problems with orgasm, and reduced libido. Best to axe the alcohol if you want to keep things strong in the bedroom.
Related: Want Higher Testosterone? Try An Alcohol Fast
Forget the drugs
Even though illegal drugs (legal in some states) are frequently considered to boost libido, they can actually have the opposite impact in most cases. Many prescription drugs also have the same effect, such as antidepressants (tricyclics, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), finasteride (to treat enlarged prostate), antihistamines, antiseizure drugs, opioids, and beta-blockers, among others. If you take these or other drugs and you are experiencing lack of sex drive, talk to your doctor about possibly changing your medication. Do not stop taking your prescription without first consulting your physician.
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