Facts about Erectile Dysfunction Drugs All Men Should Know
Erectile Dysfunction

Facts about Erectile Dysfunction Drugs All Men Should Know

Erectile dysfunction (ED) affects nearly every man at some point in his life. Whether it happens only occasionally or has become a chronic problem—or somewhere in between—men frequently turn to erectile dysfunction drugs. While the “little blue pill” and its cousins usually come to mind first, there are other medications for erectile dysfunction that are…

Can Bike Riding Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction

Can Bike Riding Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

The connection between bike riding and erectile dysfunction is one you may never have considered. However, if you experience erectile dysfunction (ED) and bicycling is your preferred workout, there could be a relationship between the two. Scientists have debated for years about whether bicycling can cause erectile dysfunction. It seems likely that prolonged bicycling can…

What is Testosterone Therapy? (And Why You Probably Don’t Need it)
Men's Health | Testosterone

What is Testosterone Therapy? (And Why You Probably Don’t Need it)

Open any men’s magazine or visit a website that targets men or men’s health and you probably will see them: ads promoting testosterone hormone therapy and articles urging men to consider taking testosterone to improve muscle mass, lose weight, improve their sex drive, and boost their mood. But is testosterone therapy the answer to these…

Can Saw Palmetto Improve Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile Dysfunction

Can Saw Palmetto Improve Erectile Dysfunction?

Men with an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH) who take saw palmetto may experience an unexpected benefit from this natural remedy. A new study found that saw palmetto not only improved urinary symptoms in men with BPH, but also helped with erectile dysfunction. Numerous studies have shown that saw palmetto works for prostate conditions and in…

What are Penile Implants for Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction

What are Penile Implants for Erectile Dysfunction

So you’ve decided to have penile implants for erectile dysfunction. Penile implants are available in two forms: an inflatable device or semirigid rods. Talk to your doctor about both types to decide which is best for you. As well, use our “Getting Help” guide to talk with your doctor and other healthcare professionals about long-term management of…

How To Recover Sexual Function After Prostate Cancer Surgery
Erectile Dysfunction

How To Recover Sexual Function After Prostate Cancer Surgery

Sexual performance, endurance, and libido are important to some degree for most guys, regardless of their age. So it’s natural for men to question their ability to recover sexual function after prostate cancer surgery (prostatectomy). After all, prostatectomy is a radical surgery that can have a major impact on a man’s sexual identity, physically and…

Using a Vacuum Erection Device (Penis Pump) to Treat Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction

Using a Vacuum Erection Device (Penis Pump) to Treat Erectile Dysfunction

What is a penis pump? Countless men have experienced erectile dysfunction (ED), either on a temporary or a long-term basis. It may be an embarrassing problem to have, but rest assured that you’re not alone. It’s important to seek help from your doctor for erectile dysfunction because this issue may be a sign of a…

What is a Vasectomy?
Sexual Health

What is a Vasectomy?

What is a vasectomy? Although some people may already know that a vasectomy is the most reliable form of birth control or sterilization for men, other facts about the procedure may be a mystery. Yet every year, approximately 600,000 men in North America undergo a vasectomy, and about 20% of men older than 35 have…