Chronic tension disorder is one of the main causes of chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). It is related to other pelvic tension causes such as neuromuscular tension, pelvic floor disorder, and stress and emotional health. This group of tension disorders make up about 50% of the cases of men suffering from CPPS.
Men who have prostatitis that stems from a chronic tension disorder do not have any signs of infection. Instead these men have chronic irritation of the muscles and nerves in their pelvic floor.
The pelvic floor of both men and women is made up of muscles, tissues, and nerves. In men, the pelvic floor supports the bladder, rectum, prostate, and other pelvic organs, forming a kind of like hammock-like support. Properly working pelvic muscles work with pelvic organs to contract and relax, helping men urinate, defecate, and even enjoy sex. These muscles do not function properly when a man has a chronic tension disorder.
Some men do not even realize that they squeeze their pelvic muscles as a way of holding their tension, frustration, or anger. This chronic squeezing of pelvic muscles becomes a habit and leads to chronic inflammation and trigger points, which are knots of contracted muscle fiber, in the pelvic floor.
There are a number of other symptoms besides pain. Symptoms for a chronic tension disorder may include problems with:
- urination,
- ejaculation,
- bowel movements, and
- feeling as if there is a golf ball in the rectum.
There are a number of alternative prostatitis treatments that could help with chronic tension disorder, including trigger point release therapy, prostate massage, reflexology, pelvic floor rehabilitation, and acupuncture. The Renew XY Health Program for Men is one physiotherapy program that helps men with chronic tension disorders. The NPAT protocol is a holistic approach to CP/CPPS that was developed by a naturopathic urologist. NPAT involves natural treatments (including supplements), phytotherapy, alternative treatments, and total body. It looks at finding triggers and therapies related to lifestyle and diet, helping the whole body attain maximum health.
Cognitive behavioral therapy and stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, and tai chi can help patients learn to relax and let go of tension, which is healthier for all aspects of health and not just CPPS.
Other supportive care therapies such as sitz baths, heat therapy, ice packs, and cushions or pillows include drug-free ways to relieve prostatitis pain inexpensively and at home. Most patients will use a variety of therapies from home therapies (including dietary changes) to therapies that target pelvic floor muscles to managing their stress and tension in their life to get total and long-term relief from their symptoms.
If you have a chronic tension disorder it is very important that you avoid doing Kegel exercises. Kegels create tension in the pelvic floor, and you already have too much tension. It can make your problems worse rather than better. Instead look for exercises that release that tension.