Pelvic myoneuropathy is a neurogenic inflammation that is triggered by muscle spasm. Wait what? If you are not a doctor, that’s a lot of big words. Shall we break it down? In myoneuropathy, myo means muscles; neuro means nerves; and pathy means disease. Neurogenics studies the role of genetics in the development and function of the immune system. Pelvic myoneuropathy is a disease that involves muscles and nerves. It is one of the many causes of nonbacterial chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS) that are related to the immune system with possible genetic factors. In fact, pelvic myoneuropathy is also considered another name for CP/CPPS.
Experts estimate that about 50% of all cases of CP/CPPS are caused by some kind of muscle spasm or problem with the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor consists of muscles that support the pelvic organs and are shaped kind of like a hammock. There are a number of causes of chronic prostatitis that are related to pelvic myoneuropathy including:
Other immune disorders and health problems might play a role in creating inflammation that leads to muscle spasm associated with CP/CPPS such as:
- mast cells,
- allergies,
- food intolerances,
- pelvic trauma, and
- stress.
The pelvic floor muscle fibers become so irritable and knotted, making them unable to relax or contract. They then form painful trigger points.
When urologists at the University of Colorado palpated 103 CP/CPPS patients’ pelvic floor muscles in a study, they found that 88% of the patients had myofascial tenderness in the rectal area. The fascia is the connective tissue that covers the muscles. The patients were not able to relax their pelvic muscles and about 92% of these patients had a dysfunction of their pelvic floor muscles. When these muscles malfunction it can lead to chronic problems with urination, ejaculation, or can interfere with bowel health not to mention cause pelvic pain.
Even though pelvic myoneuropathy and the related pelvic floor disorders can be challenging to treat, they do respond well to a multiple-treatment approach that include both natural and alternative therapies. There are a number of natural prostatitis treatments that can help decrease inflammation. You can take supplements for urinary health such as stinging nettle, saw palmetto, and quercetin. These supplements work well when combined with each other and other supplements. You can evaluate your diet for triggers. Avoiding certain foods may help to reduce inflammation, since inflammation is usually one of the culprits in these types of pelvic floor muscle dysfunctions and pelvic pain.
To address the pain and muscle spasm itself, there are also a lot of alternative prostatitis treatments many men find effective at relieving prostatitis symptoms and helping to treat the muscle spasm. Some successful alternative therapies include:
- biofeedback therapy,
- trigger point release therapy,
- prostate massage,
- cognitive behavioral therapy,
- intrapelvic physiotherapy,
- pelvic floor rehabilitation, and
- stress management.
Because stress is a large contributor to inflammation and tension, working to reduce stress in your life can address this potential cause of pelvic tension. Effective stress management techniques and exercises for reducing tension in the body include meditation, yoga, and tai chi.
Many of these alternative methods may take some time to work. Your pelvic tension did not develop overnight, and it won’t disappear overnight either, unfortunately. For short-term relief try taking a sitz bath or, if sitting is particularly painful, you can use special cushions and pillows for relief. Be patient and open-minded with trying new treatments; with a comprehensive multimodal approach with natural and alternative therapies you should begin to find relief.
As with all chronic pelvis tension disorders, you should avoid doing Kegel exercises. Kegels can increase tension in the pelvic muscles, making the problem worse, while your goal is to relax the pelvic muscles.