Does Soy Reduce PSA Levels?
Prostate Cancer

Does Soy Reduce PSA Levels?

A supplement consisting of a synthetic version of genistein, an isoflavone found in soybeans, reduced prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels in men with early prostate cancer and elevated PSA levels, according to a new study in the journal Nutrition and Cancer. This finding could help explain the results of research indicating a reduced risk of prostate…

Can Flaxseed Prevent Spread of Prostate Cancer Tumors?
Prostate Cancer

Can Flaxseed Prevent Spread of Prostate Cancer Tumors?

Many of my patients are very nutrition-conscious in terms of overall wellness. I have previously written about the benefits of heart-friendly diets because they also support prostate health (see here). The basics of healthy eating include less red meat (more chicken and fish if you’re a carnivore), more fruits and vegetables (preferably organic), nuts, whole…

What Are Some of the Physical Effects During Prostate Cancer Recovery
Prostate Cancer

What Are Some of the Physical Effects During Prostate Cancer Recovery

The word “cancer” is practically synonymous with “chemotherapy.” However, prostate cancer can be treated with a range of methods, from chemotherapy to cryosurgery. Every man will experience different effects during prostate cancer recovery, depending on the specific prostate cancer treatment. Talk to your doctor about what to expect, and make sure that you know all…

What Are The Benefits of Using mpMRI Before Prostate Biopsy?
Prostate Cancer

What Are The Benefits of Using mpMRI Before Prostate Biopsy?

Terrific news and a great way to start off 2017! On January 17, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet issued online publication of a British study, “Diagnostic accuracy of multi-parametric MRI and TRUS biopsy in prostate cancer (PROMIS): a paired validating confirmatory study” (Ahmed et al., 2017). This large trial validated the importance of multiparametric…

Robot or Traditional Surgery for Prostate Cancer – What Works Best?
Prostate Cancer

Robot or Traditional Surgery for Prostate Cancer – What Works Best?

When it comes time to undergo prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer, it may be good to know that robot-assisted radical prostatectomy won hands down over open prostatectomy, according to an analysis of a national database. The evaluation covered surgery for prostate cancer performed from October 2008 to December 2009. Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is the newest type…