Coenzyme Q10 for Peyronie’s disease treatment (CoQ10) is a potent antioxidant that is found in every cell in the body. CoQ10 also has demonstrated some benefit in men who have Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a painful condition in which the penis bends or curves in an abnormal manner.
The curve is caused by a build-up of plaque or scar tissue in the penis.
In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 186 men with Peyronie’s disease were randomly assigned to take either 300 mg CoQ10 or placebo daily for 24 weeks. Every four weeks throughout the study, the men were evaluated for erectile function and pain. The men also were specifically asked if treatment was having a positive impact on their erections.
At the study’s end, mean plaque size and mean penile curvature degree had declined in men who had taken coenzyme Q10 for Peyronie’s disease treatment. In the men who took the placebo, however, plaque size and the bend in the penis increased. Peyronie’s disease progressed in 11 (13.6%) of men in the CoQ10 group compared with 46 (56.1%) in the placebo group. (Safarinejad 2010)
Although the use of coenzyme Q10 for Peyronie’s disease treatment had a positive effect in this study, no other studies have been published to support this result. Hopefully other investigators will further explore the benefits of using coenzyme Q10 for Peyronie’s disease treatment.
Safarinejad MR. Safety and efficacy of coenzyme Q10 supplementation in early chronic Peyronie’s disease: a double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized study. Int J Impot Res 2010 Sep-Oct; 22(5): 298-309