The seeds of the ginkgo biloba tree have been used to treat various health problems for at least four thousand years, and it is still one of the most popular remedies in the world as a natural treatment for erectile dysfunction. But does ginkgo biloba for ED work?
Ginkgo Biloba for ED
Ginkgo biloba possesses a component called terpenoids, which improve blood flow and therefore are important for treating erectile dysfunction. Some scientific studies backup claims that ginkgo biloba helps treat erectile dysfunction, including a study published in Human Psychopharmacology, in which the investigators reported that ginkgo had produced “some spectacular individual responses.” (Wheatley)
A review article noted that there was “some degree of evidence” that the herb benefited men who had erectile dysfunction. (McKay) A typical dose for erectile dysfunction is 120 to 240 mg daily, standardized to contain 24 to 32 percent glycosides and 6 to 12 percent terpenoids.
Learn about more Supplements for Erectile Dysfunction as well as Supplements for ED and Sexual Health.
McKay D. Nutrients and botanicals for erectile dysfunction: examining the evidence. Altern Med Rev 2004 Mar; 9(1): 4-16
Wheatley D. Triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial of Ginkgo biloba in sexual dysfunction due to antidepressant drugs. Hum Psychopharmacol 2004 Dec 19(8): 545-48