Keflex for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Keflex for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Keflex (KEF-leks) Keflex (cephalexin) is an antibiotic that can be used for the treatment of acute bacterial or chronic bacterial prostatitis due to certain gram-positive bacteria. These bacteria are not common causes of prostatitis. Keflex Warnings When you take Keflex for prostatitis there are several important warnings and precautions you should be aware of. Black…

How Important Is Stress Management for Treating Prostatitis?

How Important Is Stress Management for Treating Prostatitis?

Stress is one of the major contributors to prostatitis. It may seem completely unrelated, but stress, anxiety, and emotional health factor into causing inflammation and pelvic tension. That is why stress management for treating prostatitis can be a very important therapy when it comes to chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). About half of the men…

Can IV Infusions Treat Acute Bacterial Prostatitis?

Can IV Infusions Treat Acute Bacterial Prostatitis?

IV Infusions for Acute Bacterial Prostatitis In cases of acute bacterial prostatitis, IV infusions of certain antibiotics may be administered to rid the body of infection. Your physician will administer these IV infusions, and hospitalization may be required. Antibiotics used in IV infusions for acute bacterial prostatitis include: Levaquin (levofloxacin [LEE-voe-FLOX-a-sin]) Cipro I.V. (ciprofloxacin I.V….

Flomax for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Flomax for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Flomax (FLO-maks) Flomax (tamsulosin hydrochloride [tam-SOO-loe-sin HIGH-droe-KLOR-ide]) is an alpha-adrenergic blocker (also called an alpha blocker). This medication relaxes prostate and bladder muscles to enable easier urination. Flomax Warnings Flomax has been shown to cause dizziness and vertigo. In patients taking Flomax (tamsulosin) for prostatitis or other alpha blockers, there is a potential risk for…

Zyloprim for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Zyloprim for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Zyloprim (ZIE-le-prim) Zyloprim (Allopurinol [al-oh-PURE-i-nole]) reduces uric acid production in the body. Elevated levels of uric acid can cause gout and kidney stones or other kidney issues. This medication may be used to prevent the rise of uric acid levels in patients receiving chemotherapy. It can help men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS)…

Does Using Pollen for Prostatitis Treatment Work?

Does Using Pollen for Prostatitis Treatment Work?

Many men take pollen for prostatitis treatment as a natural option for chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). Graminex pollen extracts are standardized extracts of rye grass pollen (Secale cereal), corn pollen (Zea mays), and timothy pollen (Phleum pretense). You’ll also find them under the name Cernilton. Many men looking for a natural approach turn to pollen extracts for…

Does Prostatitis Cause Prostate Cancer?
Prostate Cancer | Prostatitis

Does Prostatitis Cause Prostate Cancer?

It appears that men with prostatitis get prostate cancer more often than men without the inflammatory condition. For now, however, there is no direct evidence that having prostatitis increases a man’s risk of developing or eventually dying from prostate cancer. Before we look at the relationship between prostatitis and prostate cancer, an understanding of prostatitis…

How to Do Yoga for Prostatitis and Pelvic Pain Relief

How to Do Yoga for Prostatitis and Pelvic Pain Relief

Yoga is an exercise and alternative treatment that offers many benefits for men who have chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). Yoga involves stretching the body and getting into different poses while concentrating on breathing, keeping it slow and controlled. It helps prostatitis patients to relieve stress, increase blood flow, and help with strength and…

Bactrim for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Bactrim for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Bactrim (BAK-trim) Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim) is a combination antibiotic that can be used for the treatment of acute bacterial or chronic prostatitis. Bactrim Warnings When you take Bactrim for prostatitis there are several important warnings and precautions you should be aware of. Black box warnings are used by the FDA to communicate important prescribing information to…

Flexeril for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Flexeril for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Flexeril (FLEKS-e-rill) Flexeril (cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride [sye-kloe-BENza-preen]) is a muscle relaxant that can be used to treat pain caused by inflammatory or noninflammatory chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). Flexeril Warnings This drug may cause dizziness or drowsiness. Until you are certain you can perform certain activities safely, do not drive, operate machinery, or perform any…

Ditropan for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Ditropan for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Ditropan (dee-TRA-pane) Ditropan (oxybutynin [OX-i-BYOO-ti-nin]) is an antimuscarinic drug used to relax the muscles in the bladder and urinary tract. It is an antispasmodic that aids in treating urinary frequency and urgency. Ditropan Warnings Swelling of the face, lips, tongue or larynx may occur while taking this medication, especially after the first dose. Swelling involving…

Lyrica for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Lyrica for Prostatitis – Side Effects and Warnings

Lyrica (LEER-ri-kah) Lyrica (pregabalin [pre-GAB-a-lin]) is primarily used to treat fibromyalgia, pain from shingles, or nerve pain from diabetes or spinal cord injury. This drug is also used to treat partial onset seizures in cases of adult epilepsy involving one or more seizure medications. Lyrica Warnings This medication and other antiepileptic drugs may increase suicidal…