Yoga has long been dominated by women. As noted in Yoga Journal, women make up 77% of yoga enthusiasts in America, as of 2005. Much of that is due to social stereotypes. Yoga is seen as a “gentler exercise,” worlds away from the rough and tumble football field. It probably doesn’t help matters that many women are inclined to walk around everywhere while carrying hot pink yoga mats. But if you can get past the stereotypes, you might find that doing yoga for an enlarged prostate may alleviate BPH symptoms and even help prevent prostate cancer.
Doing yoga regularly can improve muscular control in the pelvic area, promote circulation, and enhance flexibility. It can help reduce stress and pelvic tension for men with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Try the following yoga poses for prostate health. Remember to consult your doctor before beginning a new fitness routine.
Yoga for an Enlarged Prostate
Dronasana is one of the yoga poses for an enlarged prostate. The name means “bowl,” which refers to the general shape of your body as you do the pose.
Spread your yoga mat (or a blanket) on the floor. Resist the urge to use a pillow. Lie down on your back with your feet and heels touching each other. Keep your arms parallel to your body, with your palms face down.
Take a deep, steady breath as you lift your upper body while sliding your arms behind you. Your upper arms should be at a 90-degree angle with your lower arms, so that your elbows rest on the floor to support your upper body. Keep your palms face down. Breathe normally. Lift your legs until they are at about a 30-degree angle. Keep your legs straight and keep your feet together. Hold the pose for as long as it is comfortable.
This is a modified version of the dronasana pose for beginners. As you become accustomed to the pose, try removing the support of your arms. Lift your arms and extend them straight in front of you, to either side of your legs. Extend your fingertips. Keep your arms parallel to the floor.
The Cobbler Pose
If you’ve played sports, there’s a good chance you’re already familiar with the cobbler pose. It’s also called the butterfly stretch. You may sit on a flat surface or you may sit on a folded blanket or yoga mat so that your hips are higher than your heels. If you’re a beginner, you might want to opt for the latter.
Bend your knees so that your feet face each other. Gently press the bottoms of your feet together, ideally so that they line up perfectly with each other. Gently pull your heels toward your body as far as you can, but ease up on this if you feel any discomfort. Grasp your lower legs or ankles, whichever is most comfortable for you. Slowly allow your legs to drop. Breathe steadily and keep your back straight.
The Bow Pose
This pose is also called dhanurasana. Dhanurasana not only benefits your prostate, it can also boost your metabolism. Begin by lying on your belly on your mat or blanket. Allow your hands to lie by your torso, palms up. Exhale slowly as you bend your knees toward the ceiling. Continue bending your legs as far as you comfortably can. Raise your upper body as far as necessary so that you can reach back with your hands and grasp your ankles. Avoid holding onto your feet. Your knees should stay approximately hip-width apart.
Take a deep breath. Lift your legs even further toward the ceiling, pulling your upper torso further away from the floor. Keep your back flexible. Look forward. Try to breathe steadily. Hold the pose for as long as you comfortably can, or about 20 to 30 seconds.