How Pollen and Quercetin Help Restore Prostate Health
Men's Health

How Pollen and Quercetin Help Restore Prostate Health

The prostate gland is called upon to participate in many tasks that affect the urinary tract, sexual function, reproductive health, and overall health as well. At the same time, the prostate is susceptible to problems, including enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), and prostate cancer. Therefore it’s important to support…

Non-Dairy Calcium May Increase Prostate Cancer Risk
Men's Health

Non-Dairy Calcium May Increase Prostate Cancer Risk

A first-of-its-kind study has found evidence that dietary calcium, including calcium from non-dairy sources, may increase the risk of prostate cancer. Results of the study, which involved Chinese men, were published in Cancer Research. Previous studies performed in populations in North America and Europe have noted an association between a high consumption of dairy foods…

Does Toviaz for Overactive Bladder Work For Elderly Patients?
Men's Health

Does Toviaz for Overactive Bladder Work For Elderly Patients?

There’s reassuring news for those who are among the 33 million Americans with overactive bladder: a new double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 562 older adults helped answer the question: does Toviaz work for elderly patients who suffer with this often debilitating urinary problem? According to Pfizer Inc., which makes Toviaz (fesoterodine), the drug was better than…

Cayenne Pepper Benefits for Prostate Cancer Patients
Men's Health

Cayenne Pepper Benefits for Prostate Cancer Patients

Cayenne pepper, also known as chili peppers, African pepper, capsicum fruit, and Zanzibar pepper, is a cultivar of Capsicum annuum, which is related to jalapenos, paprika, and bell peppers. These peppers contain a high concentration of capsaicin, a substance that has demonstrated an ability to kill prostate cancer cells. Cayenne pepper for prostate cancer Scientists…

Do Men Get Breast Cancer?
Men's Health

Do Men Get Breast Cancer?

It’s October, and that means once again it’s breast cancer awareness month. It’s easy to remember this fact, given all the pink ribbons and the pink events filling calendars across the country during October. But in the midst of all the consciousness raising, don’t forget men! Men may not have celebrities such as Suzanne Somers,…