Health Effects of Marijuana According to the Institute of Medicine
Men's Health

Health Effects of Marijuana According to the Institute of Medicine

During the past two decades, a growing number of states have legalized cannabis and/or cannabidiol (a cannabis component) for medical and/or recreational use, yet evidence about both the short- and long-term health impact of their use remains unclear. In an attempt to bring some clarity to the situation, a team of researchers from the Institute…

What is Zinc?
Men's Health

What is Zinc?

Zinc is a mineral found in large concentrations in the prostate gland, which suggests its importance in prostate health. Foods that contain a rich source of zinc include oysters, beef, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, crimini mushrooms, and low-fat yogurt. The RDA for zinc is 11 mg for adult males. Zinc and BPH At the University…

What Is the Best Treatment for Stress Incontinence?
Men's Health

What Is the Best Treatment for Stress Incontinence?

Stress incontinence occurs in men whose urinary sphincter becomes weakened, usually as a result of trauma or surgery. Men who have undergone radical prostatectomy sometimes experience stress incontinence, but can also benefit from therapy. Situations that place pressure on the bladder, such as laughter, sneezing or coughing, can result in urine release. Diagnosing stress incontinence…

Men Should Avoid Buying Health Products With This Ingredient
Men's Health

Men Should Avoid Buying Health Products With This Ingredient

The presence of the antimicrobial substance called triclosan in personal care products can have a significantly detrimental impact on men’s health. Triclosan is commonly used in items such as shampoo, toothpaste, antibacterial soap, deodorant and antiperspirant, and shaving cream. Some manufacturers are making efforts to eliminate the chemical from their products, but it is still found in…

8 Steps to Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk (According to the World Cancer Fund)
Men's Health

8 Steps to Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk (According to the World Cancer Fund)

Various recommendations can help you reduce prostate cancer risk, beat early prostate cancer, and lower your risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer. If you have been diagnosed with early prostate cancer, then carefully watching what you eat, keeping your weight down, and getting regular exercise can lower your risk of aggressive tumors. For success you…