High Summer Temperatures Could Mean More Urinary Tract Infections
Men's Health

High Summer Temperatures Could Mean More Urinary Tract Infections

As winter and spring fade away, high summer temperatures are just around the corner, and with them could be a greater risk of developing urinary tract infections and other renal conditions. A study recently appearing in the American Journal of Epidemiology reported an association between rising average temperatures and an increased risk of being hospitalized for…

Aspirin May Have A Role In Preventing Prostate Cancer (And Diabetes)
Men's Health

Aspirin May Have A Role In Preventing Prostate Cancer (And Diabetes)

You might remember the old saying “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” which makes it sound like aspirin can take care of any number of unmentioned symptoms and ailments. That concept may not be far from the truth, as researchers continue to discover potential new uses for this commonly used over-the-counter medication….

Ashwagandha May Reduce Memory Loss And Alzheimers Symptoms
Men's Health

Ashwagandha May Reduce Memory Loss And Alzheimers Symptoms

Although the work is preliminary, researchers at the National Brain Research Centre (NBRC) say they have shown that the herb ashwagandha may reverse memory loss in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease. Their findings were made in mice modified to have Alzheimer’s, a commonly used way to study the disease. Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease…

New Treatment Guidelines for Overactive Bladder
Men's Health

New Treatment Guidelines for Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is not just a problem for women–millions of men also suffer with this type of urinary incontinence. To better help both patients and doctors understand and manage this condition,  the American Urological Association (AUA) has just issued new guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of overactive bladder (not related to neurological disorders). Overactive bladder affects…