Why Are So Many Men Misusing Erectile Dysfunction Drugs?
Sexual Health

Why Are So Many Men Misusing Erectile Dysfunction Drugs?

Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The definition of such abuse is “the intentional self-administration of a medication for a non-medical purpose such as ‘getting high.’” But not all prescription drugs are abused for this reason, which is what brings us to…

Painful Ejaculation: 10 Causes & Treatments for Ejaculatory Pain & Burning
Sexual Health

Painful Ejaculation: 10 Causes & Treatments for Ejaculatory Pain & Burning

You might be familiar with the 1975 song, “Love Hurts,” a sentiment many people can identify with, but why does ejaculation have to hurt? Up to 10 percent of men experience painful ejaculation, which can occur in different ways, depending on the man. These episodes can be a source of fear, frustration, and relationship challenges….

What Happens to Erectile Function and Sex Drive after Prostate Surgery?
Sexual Health

What Happens to Erectile Function and Sex Drive after Prostate Surgery?

Results of a new, small study indicate that radical prostatectomy can have a significant negative impact on men’s sexual health, resulting in erectile dysfunction, lower sexual desire, and reduced frequency of intercourse, among other sexual issues. The study appears in the April 2011 issue of the International Journal of Impotence Research.  A total of 63…

Trich is One of The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Men
Sexual Health

Trich is One of The Most Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Men

What is trich? Trichomoniasis (trich) is the most common curable sexually transmitted disease (STD). A protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis causes the infection, and it affects both men and women. Men typically don’t experience symptoms of the disease, so they may need to rely on their partners to tell them if they have either been…

Can Men Get Trich?
Sexual Health

Can Men Get Trich?

Trichomoniasis (trich) is considered to be the most curable sexually transmitted disease in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Among the estimated 3.7 million people in the US with the infection, the majority of them are women. So can men get trich? Absolutely, and if they do, they rarely…

Sex Injuries Among Middle-Aged Men Are Rising – Here’s Why
Sexual Health

Sex Injuries Among Middle-Aged Men Are Rising – Here’s Why

According to osteopath Steven Mackinde, clinical director of a balance clinic in London, approximately 80 percent of the injuries unrelated to sports that are treated by osteopaths are caused by sexual activities. In addition, sex injuries among middle-aged men are on the rise, increasing fourfold in half a decade. Sex injuries: new report What’s behind…

Why Don’t Urologists Talk about Preserving Sexual Function in Prostate Cancer Patients?
Sexual Health

Why Don’t Urologists Talk about Preserving Sexual Function in Prostate Cancer Patients?

I came across a very illuminating study titled “Physician Recommendations Trump Patient Preferences in Prostate Cancer Decisions.” The researchers polled 257 newly diagnosed low-to-intermediate risk PCa patients after diagnosis but before their next urology consultation. The patients answered questions about their preferences in the following areas: Treatment preference Interest in sex Cancer-related anxiety. The study’s…